63 extern void begin(GLenum mode,
int numverts);
91 extern void colorf(
float x,
float y,
float z,
float w = 0.0f);
101 extern void colorub(uchar x, uchar y, uchar z, uchar w = 255);
110 extern void defvertex(
int size = 3,
int format = GL_FLOAT);
177extern void conoutf(
const char *s, ...) PRINTFARGS(1, 2);
void conoutf(
int type, const
char *s, ...) PRINTFARGS(2, 3);
bool inbetweenframes,
void fatal(const
char *s, ...) PRINTFARGS(1, 2);
int scr_w, scr_h;
int desktopw, desktoph;
bool grabinput,
bool interceptkey(
int sym);
void inputgrab(
bool on);
1322extern int xtraverts;
1353extern vec calcavatarpos(
const vec &pos,
float dist);
1355extern void damageblend(
int n);
1356extern void damagecompass(
int n,
const vec &loc);
1358extern vec minimapcenter, minimapradius, minimapscale;
1369extern void resethudmatrix();
1370extern void pushhudmatrix();
1371extern void flushhudmatrix(
bool flushparams =
1372extern void pophudmatrix(
bool flush =
bool flushparams =
1380extern void initgbuffer();
1382extern void computezoom();
1458extern void gl_drawframe(
int crosshairindex,
void (*gamefxn)(),
void (*hudfxn)(),
void (*editfxn)(),
void (*hud2d)());
1764extern std::vector<std::string>
1792 int cull = Model_CullVFC | Model_CullDist | Model_CullOccluded,
1883extern model *
const char *name,
int i = -1,
bool msg =
1910extern std::vector<std::string>
1947extern void regular_particle_splash(
int type,
int num,
int fade,
const vec &p,
int color = 0xFFFFFF,
float size = 1.0f,
int radius = 150,
int gravity = 2,
int delay = 0);
1962extern void regular_particle_flame(
int type,
const vec &p,
float radius,
float height,
int color,
int density = 3,
float scale = 2.0f,
float speed = 200.0f,
float fade = 600.0f,
int gravity = -15);
1963extern void particle_splash(
int type,
int num,
int fade,
const vec &p,
int color = 0xFFFFFF,
float size = 1.0f,
int radius = 150,
int gravity = 2);
1964extern void particle_trail(
int type,
int fade,
const vec &from,
const vec &to,
int color = 0xFFFFFF,
float size = 1.0f,
int gravity = 20);
1965extern void particle_text(
const vec &s,
const char *t,
int type,
int fade = 2000,
int color = 0xFFFFFF,
float size = 2.0f,
int gravity = 0);
1966extern void particle_textcopy(
const vec &s,
const char *t,
int type,
int fade = 2000,
int color = 0xFFFFFF,
float size = 2.0f,
int gravity = 0);
1967extern void particle_icon(
const vec &s,
int ix,
int iy,
int type,
int fade = 2000,
int color = 0xFFFFFF,
float size = 2.0f,
int gravity = 0);
1968extern void particle_meter(
const vec &s,
float val,
int type,
int fade = 1,
int color = 0xFFFFFF,
int color2 = 0xFFFFF,
float size = 2.0f);
1969extern void particle_flare(
const vec &p,
const vec &dest,
int fade,
int type,
int color = 0xFFFFFF,
float size = 0.28f,
physent *owner =
1970extern void particle_fireball(
const vec &dest,
float max,
int type,
int fade = -1,
int color = 0xFFFFFF,
float size = 4.0f);
1971extern void removetrackedparticles(
physent *owner =
2019extern SDL_Window *screen;
2052extern void restoregamma();
2053extern void restorevsync();
2083extern void limitfps(
int &millis,
int curmillis);
2103extern void renderbackground(
const char *caption =
const Texture *mapshot =
const char *mapname =
const char *mapinfo =
bool force =
2217extern void addstain(
int type,
const vec ¢er,
const vec &surface,
float radius,
const bvec &color =
bvec(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF),
int info = 0);
2219inline void addstain(
int type,
const vec ¢er,
const vec &surface,
float radius,
int color,
int info = 0)
2221 addstain(type, center, surface, radius, bvec::hexcolor(color), info);
2328extern Texture *notexture;
2330extern Texture *textureload(
const char *name,
int clamp = 0,
bool mipit =
bool msg =
2347extern bool settexture(
const char *name,
int clamp = 0);
2369extern void adddynlight(
const vec &o,
float radius,
const vec &color,
int fade = 0,
int peak = 0,
int flags = 0,
float initradius = 0,
const vec &initcolor =
vec(0, 0, 0),
physent *owner =
const vec &dir =
vec(0, 0, 0),
int spot = 0);
2370extern void removetrackeddynlights(
const physent *owner =
2381extern void heightmaprun(
int dir,
int mode);
2430extern void getcubevector(
const cube &c,
int d,
int x,
int y,
int z,
ivec &p);
2432extern void optiface(
const uchar *p,
cube &c);
2508extern bool allowediting;
2509extern bool multiplayer;
2510extern std::vector<ushort> texmru;
2514extern int curtexindex;
2515extern int moving, orient, horient;
2516extern bool editmode;
2517extern int entmoving;
2518extern int entediting;
2520extern std::deque<undoblock *>
2525extern std::vector<editinfo *> editinfos;
2528extern ivec cor, cur, lastcor;
2530extern int passthroughsel;
2533extern int selectcorners;
2535extern void clearremappedvslots();
2556extern void boxs(
int orient,
vec o,
const vec &s,
float size,
bool boxoutline);
2566extern void boxs(
int orient,
vec o,
const vec &s,
bool boxoutline);
2567extern void boxsgrid(
int orient,
vec o,
vec s,
int g,
bool boxoutline);
2568extern bool editmoveplane(
const vec &o,
const vec &ray,
int d,
float off,
vec &handle,
vec &dest,
bool first);
2577extern void normalizelookupcube(
const ivec &o);
2578extern void updateselection();
2580extern bool packeditinfo(
const editinfo *e,
int &inlen, uchar *&outbuf,
int &outlen);
2581extern bool unpackeditinfo(
editinfo *&e,
const uchar *inbuf,
int inlen,
int outlen);
2591extern bool packundo(
bool undo,
int &inlen, uchar *&outbuf,
int &outlen);
2592extern bool noedit(
bool view =
bool msg =
2702extern void remapvslots(
cube &c,
bool delta,
const VSlot &ds,
int orient,
bool &findrep,
VSlot *&findedit);
2765extern bool uncompresseditinfo(
const uchar *inbuf,
int inlen, uchar *&outbuf,
int &outlen);
2826extern float raycubepos(
const vec &o,
const vec &ray,
vec &hit,
float radius = 0,
int mode = Ray_ClipMat,
int size = 0);
2827extern float rayfloor (
const vec &o,
vec &floor,
int mode = 0,
float radius = 0);
2828extern bool raycubelos(
const vec &o,
const vec &dest,
vec &hitpos);
2829extern float rayent(
const vec &o,
const vec &ray,
float radius,
int mode,
int size,
int &orient,
int &ent);
2847extern int collideinside;
2848extern const physent *collideplayer;
2849extern int numdynents;
2850extern std::vector<dynent *> dynents;
2872extern bool collide(
const physent *d,
vec *cwall =
const vec &dir =
vec(0, 0, 0),
float cutoff = 0.0f,
bool insideplayercol =
2873extern void avoidcollision(
physent *d,
const vec &dir,
const physent *obstacle,
float space);
2875extern bool movecamera(
physent *pl,
const vec &dir,
float dist,
float stepdist);
2914extern void cleardynentcache();
2915extern void updatedynentcache(
physent *d);
2979extern std::vector<int> entgroup;
3010extern void removeentityedit(
int id);
3011extern void addentityedit(
int id);
3022extern void entselectionbox(
const entity &e,
vec &eo,
vec &es);
3023extern void mmboundbox(
const entity &e, model *m,
vec ¢er,
vec &radius);
3041 extern std::vector<extentity *> ents;
The fundemental building block of the octree world, representing a 3D cube.
Definition octa.h:100
An object representing the entirety of an octree world.
Definition octa.h:456
bool isheightmap(int o, bool empty, const cube &c)
Determines if a heightmap is active for the current selection.
void attrib(const vec &v)
Adds three float values, packed in a vec, to the attribbuf.
void makeundo()
Adds an undo entry to the undos vector given the current selection.
void int getclockmillis()
Returns the number of milliseconds since the game started.
void boxs(int orient, vec o, const vec &s, float size, bool boxoutline)
Draws a box corresponding to positions in worldspace.
void freeblock(block3 *b, bool alloced=true)
Deletes dynamically allocated cubes to a block entity.
FILE * getlogfile()
Returns the logfile (Linux) or stdout (Windows)
bool hideui(const char *name)
Hides an open UI window with the specified name.
void dropenttofloor(entity *e)
Drops the map entity to a set distance above the floor.
int intersectmodel(std::string_view mdl, int anim, const vec &pos, float yaw, float pitch, float roll, const vec &o, const vec &ray, float &dist, dynent *d=nullptr, modelattach *a=nullptr, int basetime=0, int basetime2=0, float size=1)
Returns the intersection status of a model.
void initmathcmds()
Adds math commands to the cubescript interpreter.
cube & blockcube(int x, int y, int z, const block3 &b, int rgrid)
Looks up a world cube inside the block passed.
std::string enginestr()
Returns the engine library's name string.
void setup()
Creates a new UI World object, used globally for UI functionality.
void preloadusedmapmodels(bool msg=false, bool bih=false)
Preloads mapmodels corresponding to the world's mapmodel entities.
void initaacmds()
Initializes AA cubescript commands.
void renderprogress(float bar, const char *text, bool background=false)
Renders a loading progress bar at the bottom center of the window.
void limitfps(int &millis, int curmillis)
delays a frame by a specified amount
void vectoryawpitch(const vec &v, float &yaw, float &pitch)
Returns 2 Euler angles for a given vector.
model * loadmapmodel(int n)
Loads the mapmodel assigned to the specified index.
std::vector< std::string > entnames
void keyrepeat(bool on, int mask=~0)
Sets the key repeat mask for SDL.
void initconsolecmds()
Initializes console cubescript commands.
void resetcursor()
Sets the cursor to the middle of the screen.
void initoctarendercmds()
Initializes octarender.cpp cubescript commands.
void disablezoom()
Unsets any zoom progress and disables zooming.
void detachentity(extentity &e)
Attempts to dettach the given entity.
void clearshadowcache()
Clears the shadow maps cached in the shadow atlas.
void linkedpush(cube &c, int d, int x, int y, int dc, int dir)
Pushes cubes linked with the passed cube.
void disablepolygonoffset(GLenum type)
Disables GL offset mode for overlay drawing.
void initshadercmds()
Initializes shader Cubescript commands.
void packvslot(std::vector< uchar > &buf, int index)
Packs into the passed char vector the contents of a VSlot.
void ignoremousemotion()
Flushes all queued mouse events.
bool haveselent()
Queries whether the current selection has entities selected.
void rendermodel(std::string_view mdl, int anim, const vec &o, float yaw=0, float pitch=0, float roll=0, int cull=Model_CullVFC|Model_CullDist|Model_CullOccluded, dynent *d=nullptr, modelattach *a=nullptr, int basetime=0, int basetime2=0, float size=1, const vec4< float > &color=vec4< float >(1, 1, 1, 1))
Renders a world model.
model * loadmodel(const char *name, int i=-1, bool msg=false)
Loads the model with the associated name.
void forcenextundo()
Sets lastsel's orientation flag to -1.
void getcursorpos(float &x, float &y)
Queries current UI cursor location.
void gl_setupframe(bool force=false)
Sets render frame variables up.
void abovemodel(vec &o, const char *mdl)
Adds the z height of the model to the vector passed.
void multiplayerwarn()
Prints a warning message to the console.
undoblock * newundocube(const selinfo &s)
Creates an undoblock object given a cube selection.
void clear_console()
Clears the console KeyM history hashtable.
void setupscreen()
Sets up the SDL window the application runs in.
void loadshaders()
Loads a series of shaders hardcoded into the engine.
void resetfpshistory()
Sets the entirety of the fps history buffer (used for averaging the FPS readout) to 1.
void gl_resize()
Changes the viewport size to set values.
void reorient()
Reorients sel to point in the direction of orient.
void cleanup()
Deletes all of the open windows exposed and deletes the UI world object.
void countselchild(const std::array< cube, 8 > &c, const ivec &cor, int size)
Assigns selchildcount the number of cubes in selection.
void pasteundoblock(block3 *b, const uchar *g)
Pastes an undo block associated with the passed block3 object.
void setmapname(const char *newname)
Sets the client map string to the provided value.
void update()
Updates cursor vis a vis the UI elements.
std::vector< extentity * > & getents()
Returns the entities::ents vector.
void bindminimap()
Binds a GL texture to the minimaptex global object.
void conoutf(const char *s,...) PRINTFARGS(1
Prints a message to the ingame console.
void deftexcoord0(int size=2, int format=GL_FLOAT)
Sets texcoord0 with the given dimensionality and type.
void moveragdoll(dynent *d)
Update a ragdoll's position and physics.
void initrenderlightscmds()
Initializes renderlights CubeScript commands.
void entcancel()
Cancels selection of selected entities.
void initrenderglcmds()
Initializes rendergl.cpp cubescript commands.
bool setfont(const char *name)
Sets the currently used font.
vec camdir()
returns the camera matrix direction component
bool toggleui(const char *name)
Toggles the open/closed state of a window.
void preloadmodel(std::string name)
Adds a model to the cache of models to load.
void holdui(const char *name, bool on)
Opens or closes the specified UI.
void updatefpshistory(int millis)
Adds an entry to the fps history.
void pastecube(const cube &src, cube &dst)
Copies and pastes a single cube (with its children).
void drawminimap(int yaw, int pitch, vec loc, const cubeworld &world, int scalefactor=1)
Draws a minimap texture.
void resethudshader()
Binds the HUD shader via glUseProgram()
void vecfromyawpitch(float yaw, float pitch, int move, int strafe, vec &m)
Modifies a vector based on passed movement modifiers.
void gl_checkextensions()
Ensures computer environment can run the engine.
void recalcdir(const physent *d, const vec &oldvel, vec &dir)
Recalculates dir based on the provided physent, normalized to oldvel.
void regular_particle_splash(int type, int num, int fade, const vec &p, int color=0xFFFFFF, float size=1.0f, int radius=150, int gravity=2, int delay=0)
Spawns a splash particle with the designated properties.
void colorub(uchar x, uchar y, uchar z, uchar w=255)
Calls glVertexAttrib4Nub to set the color of an attribute.
void unpackundocube(ucharbuf &buf, uchar *outbuf)
Unpacks a buffer containing an undo action into a unsigned char array.
void cleargamma()
Sets the SDL gamma level to 1.
const char * mapmodelname(int i)
Returns the mapmodel name at the given index.
dynent * iterdynents(int i)
Returns the dynent at index i.
bool movecursor(int dx, int dy)
Moves the UI cursor by the amount perscribed.
void clear_models()
Clears all loaded models' basic information.
std::deque< undoblock * > undos
const char * getentname(int i)
Returns the entity name of of a given entity type index.
bool initsdl()
Initializes SDL functions necessary to run a game.
void cancelsel()
Deselects edit selection.
bool minimized
Definition iengine.h:704
float getdecalslotdepth(const DecalSlot &s)
Gets the depth of a decal slot.
void freeocta(std::array< cube, 8 > *&c)
Deletes a cube and its children.
void regular_particle_flame(int type, const vec &p, float radius, float height, int color, int density=3, float scale=2.0f, float speed=200.0f, float fade=600.0f, int gravity=-15)
Spawns a flame particle.
std::string enginebuilddate()
Returns the engine library's build date.
void cleanragdoll(dynent *d)
Deletes the ragdoll associated with the passed dynent.
bool showui(const char *name)
Shows a UI window with the specified name.
void attachentities()
Attempts to attach all entities in selection.
void flushpreloadedmodels(bool msg=true)
Clears the loaded model cache.
void boxs3D(const vec &o, vec s, int g, bool boxoutline)
Draws a box corresponding to positions in worldspace.
void initcscmds()
Initializes core cubescript commands.
void logoutf(const char *fmt,...)
Prints a line to the log file.
void attachentity(extentity &e)
Attempts to attach the given entity to another entity.
void inithudcmds()
Initializes HUD cubescript commands.
void checkinput(int map=0)
Handles input from SDL.
void initstains()
Loads stains into the global stains array.
void initoctaworldcmds()
Initializes octaworld Cubescript commands.
void initcontrolcmds()
Adds program control commands to the cubescript interpreter.
vec camup()
returns the camera matrix up component
void initworldiocmds()
Initializes worldio Cubescript commands.
void begin(GLenum mode)
Sets the type of primitive to draw.
void gl_drawframe(int crosshairindex, void(*gamefxn)(), void(*hudfxn)(), void(*editfxn)(), void(*hud2d)())
Draws the frame to the screen.
void initparticles()
Loads the shaders/renderer objects to render particles.
bool entinmap(dynent *d, bool avoidplayers=false)
Brute force but effective way to find a free spawn spot in the map.
void initrenderwindowcmds()
Initializes renderwindow Cubescript commands.
void enablepolygonoffset(GLenum type)
Enables GL offset mode for overlay drawing.
dynent * player
The dynamic entity representing the player.
bool collide(const physent *d, vec *cwall=nullptr, const vec &dir=vec(0, 0, 0), float cutoff=0.0f, bool insideplayercol=false)
Determines whether the specified physent has collided with the octree world.
int countblock(block3 *b)
Counts the number of cubes (incl. children) within a block3 volume.
ushort getmaterial(const cube &c)
Returns the material bitmask for the given cube.
bool insideworld(const vec &o)
Queries whether the given vector lies inside the octree world.
void fatal(const char *s,...) PRINTFARGS(1
Immediately shuts down the game and prints error message(s)
void gl_init()
Sets up GL global parameters for the game.
void inituicmds()
Binds the UI commands to the command parser.
bool pointinsel(const selinfo &sel, const vec &o)
Determines whether selection contains location at specified location.
const char * getclientmap()
Returns the name of the map currently loaded.
void rotatebb(vec ¢er, vec &radius, int yaw, int pitch, int roll=0)
Rotates the center and radius vectors using the given Euler angles.
void attribf(float x, float y)
Adds two float values to the attribbuf.
void freeundo(undoblock *u)
Deletes an undoblock object.
void inittexturecmds()
Initializes texture Cubescript commands.
void inittextcmds()
Initializes textedit cubescript commands.
bool hascursor()
Queries UI windows' cursor input ability.
float raycubepos(const vec &o, const vec &ray, vec &hit, float radius=0, int mode=Ray_ClipMat, int size=0)
Returns the distance before a ray hits a cube.
void initoctaeditcmds()
Initializes the octaedit cubescript commands.
void pasteblock(const block3 &b, selinfo &sel, bool local)
Pastes the block3 passed to the volume in the selinfo object.
void initstrcmds()
Adds string commands to the cubescript interpreter.
std::deque< undoblock * > redos
Definition iengine.h:2521
void initheightmapcmds()
Initializes heightmap Cubescript commands.
void freeeditinfo(editinfo *&e)
Safely frees an editinfo object.
void swapbuffers(bool overlay=true)
Refreshes the rendered screenbuffer.
void slideagainst(physent *d, vec &dir, const vec &obstacle, bool foundfloor, bool slidecollide)
Re-projects a physent's velocity according to a given wall normal.
bool uivisible(const char *name)
Gets the open/close status of a UI window.
int findmaterial(const char *name)
Returns the bitmask for the given material name.
block3 * blockcopy(const block3 &s, int rgrid)
Allocates a new copy of the given block3 on the heap.
void initrendertextcmds()
Initializes rendertext Cubescript commands.
void colorf(float x, float y, float z, float w=0.0f)
Calls glVertexAttrib of the appropriate dimension.
void addundo(undoblock *u)
Adds an undo entry to the global undos vector.
void initrendermodelcmds()
Initializes rendermodel CubeScript commands.
std::vector< std::string > animnames
vec camright()
returns the camera matrix right component
void edittexcube(cube &c, int tex, int orient, bool &findrep)
Changes the texture for a cube and its children.
void initnormalcmds()
Initializes normal.cpp cubescript commands.
A virtual texture slot.
Definition slot.h:188
A representation of a rectangular volume of cubes, with less metadata.
Definition octa.h:358
three dimensional Cartesian byte vector
Definition geom.h:696
Entity data capable of being saved to disk.
Definition ents.h:82
Extended entity data not of the subset which is saved to disk.
Definition ents.h:93
floating point 4x4 array object
Definition geom.h:2747
An representation of a model attachment (e.g. weapon to player).
Definition ents.h:155
A base object representing a class.
Definition ents.h:111
A representation of a rectangular volume of cubes.
Definition octa.h:297
A four dimensional Cartesian-space vector template.
Definition geom.h:844
three dimensional Cartesian vector object
Definition geom.h:207