Imprimis' 3D destroyable world engine
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CPropertyA property
 CPropertyMetaMeta information about a property
 Chash< ivec >
 Chash< vec >
 CaniminfoDescription of a character's animation
 CaniminterpinfoUsed for animation blending of animated characters
 Cblock3A representation of a rectangular volume of cubes, with less metadata
 CbvecThree dimensional Cartesian byte vector
 CcubeThe fundemental building block of the octree world, representing a 3D cube
 CcubeworldAn object representing the entirety of an octree world
 CentityEntity data capable of being saved to disk
 CextentityExtended entity data not of the subset which is saved to disk
 CidentAn object representing all Cubescript objects
 Civec2Integer vector2
 Cmatrix3Matrix3: 3x3 matrix comprised of three vec3 vectors arranged as follows: [ a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2 a3 b3 c3 ]
 Cmatrix4Floating point 4x4 array object
 Cmatrix4x3Floating point 4x3 matrix object defined as four column vectors, a-d takes the form as follows: [ a1 b1 c1 d1 (x) a2 b2 c2 d2 (y) a3 b3 c3 d3 ] (z)
 CmodelattachAn representation of a model attachment (e.g. weapon to player)
 CphysentA base object representing a class
 CselinfoA representation of a rectangular volume of cubes
 CSlotA representation of a texture inside the engine
 CSoundEngineThe wrapper around SDL_Mixer that plays sounds ingame
 CsvecShort integer three-vector object
 CvecThree dimensional Cartesian vector object
 Cvec2Two dimensional Cartesian vector object
 Cvec4A four dimensional Cartesian-space vector template
 CVSlotA virtual texture slot