38 vec2(
float x,
float y) : x(x), y(y) {}
39 explicit vec2(
const vec &v);
42 float &operator[](
int i)
57 float operator[](
int i)
72 bool operator==(
const vec2 &o)
const {
return x == o.x && y == o.y; }
73 bool operator!=(
const vec2 &o)
const {
return x != o.x || y != o.y; }
75 const float *data()
const {
return &x; }
77 bool iszero()
const {
return x==0 && y==0; }
78 float dot(
const vec2 &o)
const {
return x*o.x + y*o.y; }
79 float squaredlen()
const {
return dot(*
this); }
80 float magnitude()
const {
return sqrtf(squaredlen()); }
81 vec2 &normalize() { mul(1/magnitude());
return *
this; }
82 vec2 &safenormalize() {
float m = magnitude();
if(m) mul(1/m);
return *
this; }
83 float cross(
const vec2 &o)
const {
return x*o.y - y*o.x; }
84 float squaredist(
const vec2 &e)
const {
return vec2(*this).sub(e).squaredlen(); }
85 float dist(
const vec2 &e)
const {
return sqrtf(squaredist(e)); }
87 vec2 &mul(
float f) { x *= f; y *= f;
return *
this; }
88 vec2 &mul(
const vec2 &o) { x *= o.x; y *= o.y;
return *
this; }
89 vec2 &square() { mul(*
return *
this; }
90 vec2 &div(
float f) { x /= f; y /= f;
return *
this; }
91 vec2 &div(
const vec2 &o) { x /= o.x; y /= o.y;
return *
this; }
92 vec2 &recip() { x = 1/x; y = 1/y;
return *
this; }
93 vec2 &add(
float f) { x += f; y += f;
return *
this; }
94 vec2 &add(
const vec2 &o) { x += o.x; y += o.y;
return *
this; }
95 vec2 &sub(
float f) { x -= f; y -= f;
return *
this; }
96 vec2 &sub(
const vec2 &o) { x -= o.x; y -= o.y;
return *
this; }
97 vec2 &neg() { x = -x; y = -y;
return *
this; }
98 vec2 &min(
const vec2 &o) { x = ::min(x, o.x); y = ::min(y, o.y);
return *
this; }
99 vec2 &max(
const vec2 &o) { x = ::max(x, o.x); y = ::max(y, o.y);
return *
this; }
100 vec2 &min(
float f) { x = ::min(x, f); y = ::min(y, f);
return *
this; }
101 vec2 &max(
float f) { x = ::max(x, f); y = ::max(y, f);
return *
this; }
102 vec2 &abs() { x = fabs(x); y = fabs(y);
return *
this; }
103 vec2 &clamp(
float l,
float h) { x = ::std::clamp(x, l, h); y = ::std::clamp(y, l, h);
return *
this; }
104 vec2 &reflect(
const vec2 &n) {
float k = 2*dot(n); x -= k*n.x; y -= k*n.y;
return *
this; }
115 vec2 &
const vec2 &b,
float t)
132 vec2 &
const vec2 &a,
const vec2 &b,
float t)
134 x = a.x + (b.x-a.x)*t;
135 y = a.y + (b.y-a.y)*t;
139 vec2 &avg(
const vec2 &b) { add(b); mul(0.5f);
return *
this; }
141 vec2 operator+(
const vec2 &v2)
143 return vec2(x+v2.x, y+v2.y);
146 vec2 operator-(
const vec2 &v2)
148 return vec2(x-v2.x, y-v2.y);
151 vec2 operator-()
157 vec2 operator*(
const T &n)
159 return vec2(n*x, n*y);
162 vec2 operator*(
const vec2 &v2)
164 return vec2(x*v2.x, y*v2.y);
168 vec2 operator/(
const T &n)
170 return vec2(x/n, y/n);
173 vec2 operator/(
const vec2 &v2)
175 return vec2(x/v2.x, y/v2.y);
179 vec2 &madd(
const vec2 &a,
const B &b) {
return add(vec2(a).mul(b)); }
182 vec2 &msub(
const vec2 &a,
const B &b) {
return sub(vec2(a).mul(b)); }
184 vec2 &rotate_around_z(
float c,
float s) {
float rx = x, ry = y; x = c*rx-s*ry; y = c*ry+s*rx;
return *
this; }
185 vec2 &rotate_around_z(
float angle) {
return rotate_around_z(cosf(angle), std::sin(angle)); }
186 vec2 &rotate_around_z(
const vec2 &sc) {
return rotate_around_z(sc.x, sc.y); }
211 explicit vec(
int a) : x(a), y(a), z(a) {}
212 explicit vec(
float a) : x(a), y(a), z(a) {}
213 vec(
float a,
float b,
float c) : x(a), y(b), z(c) {}
214 explicit vec(
int v[3]) : x(v[0]), y(v[1]), z(v[2]) {}
215 explicit vec(
const float *v) : x(v[0]), y(v[1]), z(v[2]) {}
216 explicit vec(
const vec2 &v,
float z = 0) : x(v.x), y(v.y), z(z) {}
218 explicit vec(
const ivec &v);
219 explicit vec(
const svec &v);
221 vec(
float yaw,
float pitch) : x(-std::sin(yaw)*cosf(pitch)), y(cosf(yaw)*cosf(pitch)), z(std::sin(pitch)) {}
222 vec &set(
int i,
float f)
224 (*this)[i] = f;
return *
227 float &r() {
return x;}
228 float &g() {
return y;}
229 float &b() {
return z;}
230 float r()
const {
return x;}
231 float g()
const {
return y;}
232 float b()
const {
return z;}
234 const float *data()
const {
return &x;}
237 float &operator[](
int i)
256 float operator[](
int i)
275 bool operator==(
const vec &o)
const {
return x == o.x && y == o.y && z == o.z; }
276 bool operator!=(
const vec &o)
const {
return x != o.x || y != o.y || z != o.z; }
278 vec operator+(
const vec &v2)
280 return vec(x+v2.x, y+v2.y, z+v2.z);
283 vec operator-(
const vec &v2)
285 return vec(x-v2.x, y-v2.y, z-v2.z);
290 return vec(-x, -y, -z);
294 vec operator*(
const T &n)
296 return vec(n*x, n*y, n*z);
299 vec operator*(
const vec &v2)
301 return vec(x*v2.x, y*v2.y, z*v2.z);
305 vec operator/(
const T &n)
307 return vec(x/n, y/n, z/n);
310 vec operator/(
const vec &v2)
312 return vec(x/v2.x, y/v2.y, z/v2.z);
328 return x==0 && y==0 && z==0;
346 vec &
square() { mul(*
return *
this; }
347 vec &neg2() { x = -x; y = -y;
return *
this; }
348 vec &neg() { x = -x; y = -y; z = -z;
return *
this; }
349 vec &abs() { x = fabs(x); y = fabs(y); z = fabs(z);
return *
this; }
350 vec &recip() { x = 1/x; y = 1/y; z = 1/z;
return *
this; }
351 float magnitude2()
const {
return sqrtf(dot2(*
this)); }
352 float magnitude()
const {
return sqrtf(
squaredlen()); }
353 vec &normalize() { div(magnitude());
return *
this; }
354 vec &safenormalize() {
float m = magnitude();
if(m) div(m);
return *
this; }
355 bool isnormalized()
const {
float m =
return (m>0.99f && m<1.01f); }
358 vec &mul(
float f) { x *= f; y *= f; z *= f;
return *
this; }
359 vec &mul2(
float f) { x *= f; y *= f;
return *
this; }
360 vec &div(
float f) { x /= f; y /= f; z /= f;
return *
this; }
361 vec &div2(
float f) { x /= f; y /= f;
return *
this; }
362 vec &add(
float f) { x += f; y += f; z += f;
return *
this; }
363 vec &add2(
float f) { x += f; y += f;
return *
this; }
364 vec &addz(
float f) { z += f;
return *
this; }
365 vec &sub(
float f) { x -= f; y -= f; z -= f;
return *
this; }
366 vec &sub2(
float f) { x -= f; y -= f;
return *
this; }
367 vec &subz(
float f) { z -= f;
return *
this; }
368 vec &min(
float f) { x = ::min(x, f); y = ::min(y, f); z = ::min(z, f);
return *
this; }
369 vec &max(
float f) { x = ::max(x, f); y = ::max(y, f); z = ::max(z, f);
return *
this; }
370 vec &clamp(
float l,
float h) { x = ::std::clamp(x, l, h); y = ::std::clamp(y, l, h); z = ::std::clamp(z, l, h);
return *
this; }
373 vec &mul(
const vec &o) { x *= o.x; y *= o.y; z *= o.z;
return *
this; }
374 vec &div(
const vec &o) { x /= o.x; y /= o.y; z /= o.z;
return *
this; }
375 vec &add(
const vec &o) { x += o.x; y += o.y; z += o.z;
return *
this; }
376 vec &sub(
const vec &o) { x -= o.x; y -= o.y; z -= o.z;
return *
this; }
377 vec &min(
const vec &o) { x = ::min(x, o.x); y = ::min(y, o.y); z = ::min(z, o.z);
return *
this; }
378 vec &max(
const vec &o) { x = ::max(x, o.x); y = ::max(y, o.y); z = ::max(z, o.z);
return *
this; }
381 float dot2(
const vec2 &o)
const {
return x*o.x + y*o.y; }
382 float dot2(
const vec &o)
const {
return x*o.x + y*o.y; }
383 float dot(
const vec &o)
const {
return x*o.x + y*o.y + z*o.z; }
384 float squaredot(
const vec &o)
const {
float k = dot(o);
return k*k; }
385 float absdot(
const vec &o)
const {
return fabs(x*o.x) + fabs(y*o.y) + fabs(z*o.z); }
386 float zdot(
const vec &o)
const {
return z*o.z; }
389 float squaredist(
const vec &e)
const {
return vec(*this).sub(e).squaredlen(); }
390 float dist(
const vec &e)
const {
return sqrtf(squaredist(e)); }
391 float dist(
const vec &e, vec &t)
const { t = *
this; t.sub(e);
return t.magnitude(); }
392 float dist2(
const vec &o)
const {
float dx = x-o.x, dy = y-o.y;
return sqrtf(dx*dx + dy*dy); }
411 return x>o.x+r || x<o.x-r || y>o.y+r || y<o.y-r;
414 template<
class A,
class B>
415 vec &cross(
const A &a,
const B &b) { x = a.y*b.z-a.z*b.y; y = a.z*b.x-a.x*b.z; z = a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x;
return *
this; }
417 vec &cross(
const vec &o,
const vec &a,
const vec &b) {
return cross(vec(a).sub(o), vec(b).sub(o)); }
422 float scalartriple(
const vec &a,
const vec &b)
const {
return x*(a.y*b.z-a.z*b.y) + y*(a.z*b.x-a.x*b.z) + z*(a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x); }
427 float zscalartriple(
const vec &a,
const vec &b)
const {
return z*(a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x); }
430 vec &reflectz(
float rz) { z = 2*rz - z;
return *
this; }
431 vec &reflect(
const vec &n) {
float k = 2*dot(n); x -= k*n.x; y -= k*n.y; z -= k*n.z;
return *
this; }
432 vec &project(
const vec &n) {
float k = dot(n); x -= k*n.x; y -= k*n.y; z -= k*n.z;
return *
this; }
433 vec &projectxydir(
const vec &n) {
if(n.z) z = -(x*n.x/n.z + y*n.y/n.z);
return *
this; }
434 vec &projectxy(
const vec &n)
438 rescale(sqrtf(::max(m - k*k, 0.0f)));
441 vec &projectxy(
const vec &n,
float threshold)
443 float m =
squaredlen(), k = ::min(dot(n), threshold);
445 rescale(sqrtf(::max(m - k*k, 0.0f)));
458 vec &
const vec &b,
float t)
476 vec &
const vec &a,
const vec &b,
float t)
478 x = a.x + (b.x-a.x)*t;
479 y = a.y + (b.y-a.y)*t;
480 z = a.z + (b.z-a.z)*t;
499 vec &madd(
const vec &a,
const B &b) {
return add(
vec(a).mul(b)); }
502 vec &msub(
const vec &a,
const B &b) {
return sub(vec(a).mul(b)); }
504 vec &rescale(
float k)
506 float mag = magnitude();
507 if(mag > 1e-6f) mul(k / mag);
512 vec &rotate_around_z(
float c,
float s)
521 vec &rotate_around_x(
float c,
float s)
530 vec &rotate_around_y(
float c,
float s)
539 vec &rotate_around_z(
float angle)
541 return rotate_around_z(cosf(angle), std::sin(angle));
544 vec &rotate_around_x(
float angle)
546 return rotate_around_x(cosf(angle), std::sin(angle));
549 vec &rotate_around_y(
float angle)
551 return rotate_around_y(cosf(angle), std::sin(angle));
554 vec &rotate_around_z(
const vec2 &sc)
556 return rotate_around_z(sc.x, sc.y);
559 vec &rotate_around_x(
const vec2 &sc)
561 return rotate_around_x(sc.x, sc.y);
564 vec &rotate_around_y(
const vec2 &sc)
566 return rotate_around_y(sc.x, sc.y);
569 vec &rotate(
float c,
float s,
const vec &d)
571 *
this = vec(x*(d.x*d.x*(1-c)+c) + y*(d.x*d.y*(1-c)-d.z*s) + z*(d.x*d.z*(1-c)+d.y*s),
572 x*(d.y*d.x*(1-c)+d.z*s) + y*(d.y*d.y*(1-c)+c) + z*(d.y*d.z*(1-c)-d.x*s),
573 x*(d.x*d.z*(1-c)-d.y*s) + y*(d.y*d.z*(1-c)+d.x*s) + z*(d.z*d.z*(1-c)+c));
576 vec &rotate(
float angle,
const vec &d)
578 return rotate(cosf(angle), std::sin(angle), d);
581 vec &rotate(
const vec2 &sc,
const vec &d)
583 return rotate(sc.x, sc.y, d);
586 void orthogonal(
const vec &d)
588 *
this = fabs(d.x) > fabs(d.z) ? vec(-d.y, d.x, 0) : vec(0, -d.z, d.y);
591 void orthonormalize(vec &s, vec &t)
594 t.project(*this).project(s);
598 bool insidebb(
const T &bbmin,
const T &bbmax)
600 return x >= bbmin.x && x <= bbmax.x && y >= bbmin.y && y <= bbmax.y && z >= bbmin.z && z <= bbmax.z;
603 template<
class T,
class U>
604 bool insidebb(
const T &bbmin,
const T &bbmax, U margin)
606 return x >= bbmin.x-margin && x <= bbmax.x+margin && y >= bbmin.y-margin && y <= bbmax.y+margin && z >= bbmin.z-margin && z <= bbmax.z+margin;
638 float dist_to_bb(
const ivec &min,
const ivec &max)
655 static vec hexcolor(
int color)
657 return vec(((color>>16)&0xFF)*(1.0f/255.0f), ((color>>8)&0xFF)*(1.0f/255.0f), (color&0xFF)*(1.0f/255.0f));
660 int tohexcolor()
662 return (
static_cast<int>(::std::clamp(r(), 0.0f, 1.0f)*255)<<16) |
663 (
static_cast<int>(::std::clamp(g(), 0.0f, 1.0f)*255)<<8) |
664 static_cast<int>(::std::clamp(b(), 0.0f, 1.0f)*255);
668inline vec2::vec2(
const vec &v) : x(v.x), y(v.y) {}
673 size_t operator()(
const vec& k)
675 union { uint i;
float f; } x, y, z;
679 uint v = x.i^y.i^z.i;
700 bvec(uchar x, uchar y, uchar z) : x(x), y(y), z(z) {}
701 explicit bvec(
const vec &v) : x(
>((v.x+1)*(255.0f/2.0f))), y(
>((v.y+1)*(255.0f/2.0f))), z(
>((v.z+1)*(255.0f/2.0f))) {}
704 uchar &r() {
return x;}
705 uchar &g() {
return y;}
706 uchar &b() {
return z;}
707 uchar r()
const {
return x;}
708 uchar g()
const {
return y;}
709 uchar b()
const {
return z;}
711 uchar &operator[](
int i)
729 uchar operator[](
int i)
748 bool operator==(
const bvec &v)
const {
return x==v.x && y==v.y && z==v.z; }
749 bool operator!=(
const bvec &v)
const {
return x!=v.x || y!=v.y || z!=v.z; }
751 bool iszero()
const {
return x==0 && y==0 && z==0; }
753 vec tonormal()
const {
return vec(x*(2.0f/255.0f)-1.0f, y*(2.0f/255.0f)-1.0f, z*(2.0f/255.0f)-1.0f); }
757 vec n(x-127.5f, y-127.5f, z-127.5f);
758 float mag = 127.5f/n.magnitude();
759 x =
760 y =
761 z =
765 void lerp(
const bvec &a,
const bvec &b,
float t)
767 x =
>(a.x + (b.x-a.x)*t);
768 y =
>(a.y + (b.y-a.y)*t);
769 z =
>(a.z + (b.z-a.z)*t);
772 void lerp(
const bvec &a,
const bvec &b,
int ka,
int kb,
int d)
774 x =
>((a.x*ka + b.x*kb)/d);
775 y =
>((a.y*ka + b.y*kb)/d);
776 z =
>((a.z*ka + b.z*kb)/d);
786 void scale(
int k,
int d)
788 x =
789 y =
790 z =
808 static bvec fromcolor(
const vec &v)
810 return bvec(
815 return vec(x*(1.0f/255.0f), y*(1.0f/255.0f), z*(1.0f/255.0f));
818 static bvec from565(ushort c)
820 return bvec((((c>>11)&0x1F)*527 + 15) >> 6, (((c>>5)&0x3F)*259 + 35) >> 6, ((c&0x1F)*527 + 15) >> 6);
823 static bvec hexcolor(
int color)
825 return bvec((color>>16)&0xFF, (color>>8)&0xFF, color&0xFF);
828 int tohexcolor()
830 return (
849 explicit vec4(
const vec &p, T w = 0) : x(p.x), y(p.y), z(p.z), w(w) {}
850 explicit vec4(
const vec2 &p, T z = 0, T w = 0) : x(p.x), y(p.y), z(z), w(w) {}
851 vec4(T x, T y = 0, T z = 0, T w = 0) : x(x), y(y), z(z), w(w) {}
852 vec4(bvec v, uchar c)
867 explicit vec4(
const T *v) : x(v[0]), y(v[1]), z(v[2]), w(v[3]) {}
870 vec4(
const vec4<U> &p) : x(p.x), y(p.y), z(p.z), w(p.w) {}
875 return vec4<U>(
876 static_cast<U
877 static_cast<U
878 static_cast<U
989 T
const {
return x; }
996 T
const {
return y; }
1003 T
const {
return z; }
1010 T
const {
return w; }
1017 const T *
const {
return &x; }
1026 return reinterpret_cast<uint *
1040 bool operator==(
const vec4 &o)
const {
return x == o.x && y == o.y && z == o.z && w == o.w; }
1053 bool operator!=(
const vec4 &o)
const {
return x != o.x || y != o.y || z != o.z || w != o.w; }
1065 T
const vec4 &o)
const {
return x*o.x + y*o.y + z*o.z; }
1077 T
const vec &o)
const {
return x*o.x + y*o.y + z*o.z; }
1100 T
const vec &o)
const {
return x*o.x + y*o.y + z*o.z + w; }
1152 x =
a.x + (
1153 y =
a.y + (
1154 z =
a.z + (
1160 x =
a.x*ka +
1161 y =
a.y*ka +
1162 z =
a.z*ka +
1168 x =
a.x*ta +
b.x*tb + c.x*tc);
1169 y =
a.y*ta +
b.y*tb + c.y*tc);
1170 z =
a.z*ta +
b.z*tb + c.z*tc);
1171 w =
a.w*ta +
b.w*tb + c.w*tc);
1191 x =
1192 y =
1193 z =
1194 w =
1247 vec4 &
mul3(T f) { x *= f; y *= f; z *= f;
return *
this; }
1272 vec4 &
const vec4 &o) { x *= o.x; y *= o.y; z *= o.z; w *= o.w;
return *
this; }
1285 vec4 &
const vec &o) { x *= o.x; y *= o.y; z *= o.z;
return *
this; }
1308 vec4 &
div3(T f) { x /= f; y /= f; z /= f;
return *
this; }
1332 vec4 &
const vec4 &o) { x /= o.x; y /= o.y; z /= o.z; w /= o.w;
return *
this; }
1344 vec4 &
const vec &o) { x /= o.x; y /= o.y; z /= o.z;
return *
this; }
1354 vec4 &
recip() { x = 1/x; y = 1/y; z = 1/z; w = 1/w;
return *
this; }
1366 vec4 &
const vec4 &o) { x += o.x; y += o.y; z += o.z; w += o.w;
return *
this; }
1379 vec4 &
const vec &o) { x += o.x; y += o.y; z += o.z;
return *
this; }
1391 vec4 &
add3(T f) { x += f; y += f; z += f;
return *
this; }
1427 vec4 &
const vec4 &o) { x -= o.x; y -= o.y; z -= o.z; w -= o.w;
return *
this; }
1439 vec4 &
const vec &o) { x -= o.x; y -= o.y; z -= o.z;
return *
this; }
1529 x = ::std::clamp(x, l, h);
1530 y = ::std::clamp(y, l, h);
1531 z = ::std::clamp(z, l, h);
1532 w = ::std::clamp(w, l, h);
1545 return vec4(x+v2.x, y+v2.y, z+v2.z, w+v2.w);
1557 return vec4(x-v2.x, y-v2.y, z-v2.z, w-v2.w);
1567 return vec4(-x, -y, -z, -w);
1578 template<
typename U>
1581 return vec4(n*x, n*y, n*z, n*w);
1593 return vec4(x*v2.x, y*v2.y, z*v2.z, w*v2.w);
1604 template<
typename U>
1607 return vec4(x/n, y/n, z/n, w/n);
1620 return vec4(x/v2.x, y/v2.y, z/v2.z, w/v2.w);
1636 template<
class A,
class B>
1639 x =
1640 y =
1641 z =
1824 return vec(x*(2.0f/255.0f)-1.0f, y*(2.0f/255.0f)-1.0f, z*(2.0f/255.0f)-1.0f);
1829inline vec2::vec2(
const vec4<float> &v) : x(v.x), y(v.y) {}
1830inline vec::vec(
const vec4<float> &v) : x(v.x), y(v.y), z(v.z) {}
2221 void setyaw(
float ck,
float sk);
2394 void translate(
const vec &p);
2395 void translate(
float x,
float y,
float z);
2396 void translate(
const vec &p,
float scale);
2397 void accumulate(
const matrix4x3 &m,
float k);
2459 void rotate(
float angle,
const vec &d);
2461 void rotate(
float ck,
float sk,
const vec &axis);
2463 void rotate_around_x(
float ck,
float sk);
2464 void rotate_around_x(
float angle);
2466 void rotate_around_x(
const vec2 &sc);
2468 void rotate_around_y(
float ck,
float sk);
2469 void rotate_around_y(
float angle);
2470 void rotate_around_y(
const vec2 &sc);
2472 void rotate_around_z(
float ck,
float sk);
2473 void rotate_around_z(
float angle);
2474 void rotate_around_z(
const vec2 &sc);
2476 vec transposedtransform(
const vec &o)
2477 vec transformnormal(
const vec &o)
2478 vec transposedtransformnormal(
const vec &o)
2479 vec transform(
const vec &o)
2480 vec transform(
const vec2 &o)
2522const int R[3] = {1, 2, 0};
2523const int C[3] = {2, 0, 1};
2524const int D[3] = {0, 1, 2};
2534 explicit ivec(
const vec &v) : x(
static_cast<int>(v.x)), y(
static_cast<int>(v.y)), z(
static_cast<int>(v.z)) {}
2535 ivec(
int a,
int b,
int c) : x(a), y(b), z(c) {}
2536 ivec(
int d,
int row,
int col,
int depth)
2538 (*this)[
R[d]] = row;
2539 (*this)[
C[d]] = col;
2540 (*this)[
D[d]] = depth;
2542 ivec(
int i,
const ivec &co,
int size) : x(co.x+((i&1)>>0)*size), y(co.y+((i&2)>>1)*size), z(co.z +((i&4)>>2)*size) {}
2543 explicit ivec(
const ivec2 &v,
int z = 0);
2544 explicit ivec(
const svec &v);
2546 int &operator[](
int i)
2565 int operator[](
int i)
2585 bool operator==(
const ivec &v)
const {
return x==v.x && y==v.y && z==v.z; }
2586 bool operator!=(
const ivec &v)
const {
return x!=v.x || y!=v.y || z!=v.z; }
2587 ivec operator+(
const ivec &v)
const {
return ivec(x+v.x, y+v.y, z+v.z); }
2595 explicit operator bool()
const {
return !(x==0 && y==0 && z==0); }
2596 ivec &shl(
int n) { x<<= n; y<<= n; z<<= n;
return *
this; }
2597 ivec &shr(
int n) { x>>= n; y>>= n; z>>= n;
return *
this; }
2598 ivec &mul(
int n) { x *= n; y *= n; z *= n;
return *
this; }
2599 ivec &div(
int n) { x /= n; y /= n; z /= n;
return *
this; }
2600 ivec &add(
int n) { x += n; y += n; z += n;
return *
this; }
2601 ivec &sub(
int n) { x -= n; y -= n; z -= n;
return *
this; }
2602 ivec &mul(
const ivec &v) { x *= v.x; y *= v.y; z *= v.z;
return *
this; }
2603 ivec &div(
const ivec &v) { x /= v.x; y /= v.y; z /= v.z;
return *
this; }
2604 ivec &add(
const ivec &v) { x += v.x; y += v.y; z += v.z;
return *
this; }
2605 ivec &sub(
const ivec &v) { x -= v.x; y -= v.y; z -= v.z;
return *
this; }
2606 ivec &mask(
int n) { x &= n; y &= n; z &= n;
return *
this; }
2607 ivec &neg() { x = -x; y = -y; z = -z;
return *
this; }
2608 ivec &min(
const ivec &o) { x = ::min(x, o.x); y = ::min(y, o.y); z = ::min(z, o.z);
return *
this; }
2609 ivec &max(
const ivec &o) { x = ::max(x, o.x); y = ::max(y, o.y); z = ::max(z, o.z);
return *
this; }
2610 ivec &min(
int n) { x = ::min(x, n); y = ::min(y, n); z = ::min(z, n);
return *
this; }
2611 ivec &max(
int n) { x = ::max(x, n); y = ::max(y, n); z = ::max(z, n);
return *
this; }
2612 ivec &abs() { x = ::abs(x); y = ::abs(y); z = ::abs(z);
return *
this; }
2613 ivec &clamp(
int l,
int h) { x = ::std::clamp(x, l, h); y = ::std::clamp(y, l, h); z = ::std::clamp(z, l, h);
return *
this; }
2614 ivec &cross(
const ivec &a,
const ivec &b) { x = a.y*b.z-a.z*b.y; y = a.z*b.x-a.x*b.z; z = a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x;
return *
this; }
2615 int dot(
const ivec &o)
const {
return x*o.x + y*o.y + z*o.z; }
2616 float dist(
const plane &p)
2618 static inline ivec floor(
const vec &o) {
return ivec(
static_cast<int>(::floor(o.z))); }
2619 static inline ivec ceil(
const vec &o) {
return ivec(
static_cast<int>(::ceil(o.z))); }
2622inline vec::vec(
const ivec &v) : x(v.x), y(v.y), z(v.z) {}
2627 size_t operator()(
const ivec &k)
2640 struct {
int x, y; } coord;
2651 explicit ivec2(
const vec2 &v)
2653 coord.x =
2654 coord.y =
2657 explicit ivec2(
const ivec &v)
2663 int &operator[](
int i) {
return v[i]; }
2664 int operator[](
int i)
const {
return v[i]; }
2666 bool operator==(
const ivec2 &o)
const {
return coord.x == o.coord.x && coord.y == o.coord.y; }
2667 bool operator!=(
const ivec2 &o)
const {
return coord.x != o.coord.x || coord.y != o.coord.y; }
2669 int &x() {
return coord.x; }
2670 int &y() {
return coord.y; }
2671 int x()
const {
return coord.x; }
2672 int y()
const {
return coord.y; }
2674 bool iszero()
const {
return coord.x==0 && coord.y==0; }
2675 ivec2 &shl(
int n) { coord.x<<= n; coord.y<<= n;
return *
this; }
2676 ivec2 &shr(
int n) { coord.x>>= n; coord.y>>= n;
return *
this; }
2677 ivec2 &mul(
int n) { coord.x *= n; coord.y *= n;
return *
this; }
2678 ivec2 &div(
int n) { coord.x /= n; coord.y /= n;
return *
this; }
2679 ivec2 &add(
int n) { coord.x += n; coord.y += n;
return *
this; }
2680 ivec2 &sub(
int n) { coord.x -= n; coord.y -= n;
return *
this; }
2681 ivec2 &mul(
const ivec2 &v) { coord.x *= v.coord.x; coord.y *= v.coord.y;
return *
this; }
2682 ivec2 &div(
const ivec2 &v) { coord.x /= v.coord.x; coord.y /= v.coord.y;
return *
this; }
2683 ivec2 &add(
const ivec2 &v) { coord.x += v.coord.x; coord.y += v.coord.y;
return *
this; }
2684 ivec2 &sub(
const ivec2 &v) { coord.x -= v.coord.x; coord.y -= v.coord.y;
return *
this; }
2685 ivec2 &mask(
int n) { coord.x &= n; coord.y &= n;
return *
this; }
2686 ivec2 &neg() { coord.x = -coord.x; coord.y = -coord.y;
return *
this; }
2687 ivec2 &min(
const ivec2 &o) { coord.x = ::min(coord.x, o.coord.x); coord.y = ::min(coord.y, o.coord.y);
return *
this; }
2688 ivec2 &max(
const ivec2 &o) { coord.x = ::max(coord.x, o.coord.x); coord.y = ::max(coord.y, o.coord.y);
return *
this; }
2689 ivec2 &min(
int n) { coord.x = ::min(coord.x, n); coord.y = ::min(coord.y, n);
return *
this; }
2690 ivec2 &max(
int n) { coord.x = ::max(coord.x, n); coord.y = ::max(coord.y, n);
return *
this; }
2691 ivec2 &abs() { coord.x = ::abs(coord.x); coord.y = ::abs(coord.y);
return *
this; }
2692 int dot(
const ivec2 &o)
const {
return coord.x*o.coord.x + coord.y*o.coord.y; }
2693 int cross(
const ivec2 &o)
const {
return coord.x*o.coord.y - coord.y*o.coord.x; }
2696inline ivec::ivec(
const ivec2 &v,
int z) : x(v.x()), y(v.y()), z(z) {}
2698inline bvec::bvec(
const vec4<uchar> &v) : x(v.x), y(v.y), z(v.z) {}
2707 struct {
short x, y, z; } coord;
2712 svec(
short x,
short y,
short z)
2718 explicit svec(
const ivec &v)
2725 short &operator[](
int i) {
return v[i]; }
2726 short operator[](
int i)
const {
return v[i]; }
2729inline vec::vec(
const svec &v)
2736inline ivec::ivec(
const svec &v)
2750 template<
class T,
class U>
2751 T transformnormal(
const U &in)
2754 transformnormal(in, v);
2758 template<
class T,
class U>
2759 T transform(
const U &in)
2767 vec perspectivetransform(
const T &in)
2771 return vec(v).div(v.w);
2775 void mult(
const matrix4 &x,
const matrix4 &y)
2777 a = T(x.a).mul(y.a.x).madd(x.b, y.a.y).madd(x.c, y.a.z).madd(x.d, y.a.w);
2778 b = T(x.a).mul(y.b.x).madd(x.b, y.b.y).madd(x.c, y.b.z).madd(x.d, y.b.w);
2779 c = T(x.a).mul(y.c.x).madd(x.b, y.c.y).madd(x.c, y.c.z).madd(x.d, y.c.w);
2780 d = T(x.a).mul(y.d.x).madd(x.b, y.d.y).madd(x.c, y.d.z).madd(x.d, y.d.w);
2784 matrix4(
const float *m);
2785 matrix4(
const vec &a,
const vec &b,
const vec &c =
vec(0, 0, 1));
2788 matrix4(
const matrix3 &rot,
const vec &trans);
2789 void mul(
const matrix4 &x,
const matrix3 &y);
2801 void mul(
const matrix4 &x,
const matrix4 &y);
2822 void muld(
const matrix4 &x,
const matrix4 &y);
2833 void rotate_around_x(
float ck,
float sk);
2834 void rotate_around_x(
float angle);
2835 void rotate_around_x(
const vec2 &sc);
2836 void rotate_around_y(
float ck,
float sk);
2837 void rotate_around_y(
float angle);
2838 void rotate_around_y(
const vec2 &sc);
2840 void rotate_around_z(
float ck,
float sk);
2841 void rotate_around_z(
float angle);
2842 void rotate_around_z(
const vec2 &sc);
2844 void rotate(
float ck,
float sk,
const vec &axis);
2845 void rotate(
float angle,
const vec &dir);
2846 void rotate(
const vec2 &sc,
const vec &dir);
2862 void settranslation(
const vec &v);
2863 void settranslation(
float x,
float y,
float z);
2864 void translate(
const vec &p);
2865 void translate(
float x,
float y,
float z);
2866 void translate(
const vec &p,
float scale);
2867 void setscale(
float x,
float y,
float z);
2868 void setscale(
const vec &v);
2869 void setscale(
float n);
2870 void scale(
float x,
float y,
float z);
2871 void scale(
const vec &v);
2872 void scale(
float n);
2874 void scalez(
float k);
2876 void jitter(
float x,
float y);
2904 void frustum(
float left,
float right,
float bottom,
float top,
float znear,
float zfar);
2905 void perspective(
float fovy,
float aspect,
float znear,
float zfar);
2907 void ortho(
float left,
float right,
float bottom,
float top,
float znear,
float zfar);
2909 void transform(
const vec &in,
vec &out)
2914 void transformnormal(
const vec &in,
vec &out)
2917 void transposedtransform(
const vec &in,
vec &out)
2918 void transposedtransformnormal(
const vec &in,
vec &out)
2919 void transposedtransform(
const plane &in, plane &out)
2921 vec gettranslation()
2971 bool invert(
const matrix4 &m,
double mindet = 1.0e-12);
2984 vec2 lineardepthscale()
2988 :
a), b(m.b), c(m.c)
2992 : a(m.a), b(m.b), c(m.c), d(m.d)
3004 GenericVec2(T x, T y) : x(x), y(y) {}
3005 GenericVec2(
const vec2 &v) : x(v.x), y(v.y) {}
3007 bool operator==(
const GenericVec2 &h)
const {
return x == h.x && y == h.y; }
3008 bool operator!=(
const GenericVec2 &h)
const {
return x != h.x || y != h.y; }
3018 GenericVec3(T x, T y, T z) : x(x), y(y), z(z) {}
3019 GenericVec3(
const vec &v) : x(v.x), y(v.y), z(v.z) {}
3021 GenericVec3<T> operator+(
const GenericVec3<T> &h)
const {
return GenericVec3<T>(x+h.x, y+h.y,z+h.z); }
3022 GenericVec3<T> operator-(
const GenericVec3<T> &h)
const {
return GenericVec3<T>(x-h.x, y-h.y, z-h.z); }
3025 bool operator==(
const GenericVec3<T> &h)
const {
return x == h.x && y == h.y && z == h.z; }
3026 bool operator!=(
const GenericVec3<T> &h)
const {
return x != h.x || y != h.y || z != h.z; }
3027 bool operator>(
const GenericVec3<T> &h)
const {
return x > h.x && y > h.y && z > h.z; }
3028 bool operator<(
const GenericVec3<T> &h)
const {
return x < h.x && y < h.y && z < h.z; }
3029 bool operator>=(
const GenericVec3<T> &h)
const {
return x >= h.x && y >= h.y && z >= h.z; }
3030 bool operator<=(
const GenericVec3<T> &h)
const {
return x <= h.x && y <= h.y && z <= h.z; }
3033extern bool raysphereintersect(
const vec ¢er,
float radius,
const vec &o,
const vec &ray,
float &dist);
3034extern bool rayboxintersect(
const vec &b,
const vec &s,
const vec &o,
const vec &ray,
float &dist,
int &orient);
3069extern int polyclip(
const vec *in,
int numin,
const vec &dir,
float below,
float above,
vec *out);
3086 angle = 360 + (angle <= -360 ? angle%360 : angle);
3088 else if(angle >= 360)
matrix3: 3x3 matrix comprised of three vec3 vectors arranged as follows: [ a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2 a3 b3 c3...
Definition geom.h:1843
matrix3(const vec &a, const vec &b, const vec &c)
Creates a new matrix with the given vectors.
bool calcangleaxis(float tr, float &angle, vec &axis, float threshold=1e-16f) const
Calculates the axis and angle from a rotation matrix.
void rotate_around_z(const vec2 &sc)
Rotates the matrix values around the Z axis.
vec rowx() const
Returns the first (top) row of the matrix.
void rotate_around_y(float angle)
Rotates the matrix values around the Y axis.
vec a
the three vectors making up the rows of the matrix
Definition geom.h:1852
void scale(float k)
Multiplies each element of the matrix by the scale factor given.
vec abstransform(const vec &o) const
Sets the matrix to the absolute value of the transform.
vec transform(const vec &o) const
Sets the matrix to the transform of the matrix.
void invert(const matrix3 &o)
Inverts the matrix using another matrix for the scale factor.
void rotate_around_x(float angle)
Rotates the matrix values around the X axis.
void identity()
Sets the matrix to be the identity matrix.
void normalize()
Normalizes each of the three rows to a magnitude of 1.
void rotate_around_z(float angle)
Rotates the matrix values around the Z axis.
void invert()
Inverts the matrix using itself for the scale factor.
vec transform(const vec2 &o) const
Returns the transform of the matrix.
float trace() const
Returns the trace of the matrix.
vec transposedtransform(const vec2 &o) const
Returns the transposed transform of the matrix.
bool calcangleaxis(float &angle, vec &axis, float threshold=1e-16f) const
Calculates the axis and angle from a rotation matrix.
void rotate(float ck, float sk, const vec &axis)
Rotates the matrix around the given axis by the given angle.
void transposemul(const matrix3 &m, const matrix3 &n)
Calculates the transpose-multiplication with another two matrices.
vec abstransposedtransform(const vec &o) const
Sets the matrix to the absolute value of the transpose-transform.
vec rowz() const
Returns the third (bottom) row of the matrix.
void rotate_around_x(const vec2 &sc)
Rotates the matrix values around the X axis.
Creates an empty matrix.
void mul(const matrix3 &m, const matrix3 &n)
Calculates the product of three matrices.
void setyaw(float angle)
Sets the matrix to a 2D rotation matrix.
void transpose()
Transposes the matrix.
void transposemul(const matrix3 &n)
Calculates the transpose-multiplication with another matrix.
void rotate(float angle, const vec &axis)
Rotates the matrix around the given axis by the given angle.
void mul(const matrix3 &n)
Multiplies the matrix by another.
vec transposedtransform(const vec &o) const
Sets the matrix to the transpose-transform.
matrix3(const quat &q)
Creates a 3d rotation matrix given a quaternion object.
matrix3(float angle, const vec &axis)
Creates a new matrix as a rotation matrix.
void multranspose(const matrix3 &n)
Calculates the multiplication-transpose with another matrix.
void rotate_around_y(const vec2 &sc)
Rotates the matrix values around the Y axis.
vec rowy() const
Returns the second (middle) row of the matrix.
float sin360(int angle)
Returns the sine for an angle (in degrees)
Definition geom.h:3124
int mod360(int angle)
Returns the angle passed to it, clamped to 0...360.
Definition geom.h:3082
const vec2 & sincosmod360(int angle)
Returns a vec2 containing (cos, sine) for a given integral angle.
Definition geom.h:3102
float cotan360(int angle)
Returns the cotangent for an angle (in degrees)
Definition geom.h:3146
float cos360(int angle)
Returns the cosine for an angle (in degrees)
Definition geom.h:3113
const int R[3]
Definition geom.h:2522
const int C[3]
Definition geom.h:2523
bool linecylinderintersect(const vec &from, const vec &to, const vec &start, const vec &end, float radius, float &dist)
Determines whether a line segment intersects a specified cylinder.
const int D[3]
Definition geom.h:2524
float tan360(int angle)
Returns the tangent for an angle (in degrees)
Definition geom.h:3135
integer vector2
Definition geom.h:2637
floating point 4x4 array object
Definition geom.h:2747
vec4< float > rowz() const
Returns the third row of the matrix.
vec4< float > roww() const
Returns the fourth row of the matrix.
void transpose()
Transposes the matrix along the diagonal.
vec4< float > rowx() const
Returns the first row of the matrix.
void mul(const matrix4 &x, const matrix4 &y)
Sets this matrix to the product of the two matrices provided.
matrix4 inverse(double mindet=1.0e-12) const
Returns the inverse of the matrix.
void muld(const matrix4 &y)
Sets this matrix to the product of this and another matrix.
bool invert(const matrix4 &m, double mindet=1.0e-12)
Sets this matrix to the inverse of the provided matrix.
vec4< float > rowy() const
Returns the second row of the matrix.
void muld(const matrix4 &x, const matrix4 &y)
Sets this matrix to the product of the two matrices provided.
void identity()
Sets the matrix to I, the identity matrix.
void transpose(const matrix4 &m)
Copies the transpose of the given matrix4 to this
void mul(const matrix4 &y)
Sets this matrix to the product of this and another matrix.
floating point 4x3 matrix object defined as four column vectors, a-d takes the form as follows: [ a1 ...
Definition geom.h:2266
void setscale(float x, float y, float z)
Sets the diagonals a.x, b.y, c.z to the given values.
void lerp(const matrix4x3 &from, const matrix4x3 &to, float t)
Linearly interpolates between two other matrices according to scale t.
void setscale(const vec &v)
Sets the diagonals a.x, b.y, c.z to the given vector's x, y, z values.
vec4< float > rowz() const
Returns the z values of the four vectors as a four-vector.
matrix4x3(const dualquat &dq)
Creates a matrix4x3 that represents a dual quaternion transformation.
Creates an empty matrix4x3 object.
void setscale(float n)
Sets the diagonals a.x, b.y, c.z identically to a given value.
void settranslation(float x, float y, float z)
Copies x, y, z into the fourth column vector (d).
void scale(float x, float y, float z)
Scales the first three vectors by x, y, and z respectively.
matrix4x3(const vec &a, const vec &b, const vec &c, const vec &d)
Creates a matrix4x3 from four three-dimensional vec objects.
void normalize()
Normalizes the first three column vectors.
void scale(float n)
Scales the first three vector elements in the matrix by the specified amount.
void lerp(const matrix4x3 &to, float t)
Linearly interpolates between the two matrices according to scale t.
vec4< float > rowx() const
Returns the x values of the four vectors as a four-vector.
vec4< float > rowy() const
Returns the y values of the four vectors as a four-vector.
matrix4x3(const matrix3 &rot, const vec &trans)
Creates a matrix4x3 from a rotation matrix and a translation vector.
void settranslation(const vec &p)
Copies the p vector into the fourth column vector (d).
void identity()
Sets this matrix to the identity matrix.
void mul(float k)
Multiplies all values inside the matrix by a scalar constant.
void scale(const vec &v)
Multiplies the first three vectors by v.x, v.y, and v.z respectively.
short integer three-vector object
Definition geom.h:2704
two dimensional Cartesian vector object
Definition geom.h:34
vec2 & lerp(const vec2 &a, const vec2 &b, float t)
Linearly interpolates between two other vec2s according to scale t.
Definition geom.h:132
vec2 & lerp(const vec2 &b, float t)
Linearly interpolates between another vec2 according to scale t.
Definition geom.h:115
A four dimensional Cartesian-space vector template.
Definition geom.h:844
T dot3(const vec &o) const
Returns the 3 dimensional dot product between this and a 3D vec.
Definition geom.h:1077
vec4 & safenormalize()
Scales the vector to have a magnitude of 1.
Definition geom.h:1148
bool operator!=(const vec4 &o) const
Returns whether two vec objects do not match.
Definition geom.h:1053
vec4 & clamp(T l, T h)
Clamps the elements individualy to the specified bounds.
Definition geom.h:1527
T dot(const vec &o) const
Returns the dot product of this and a vec3, assuming o.w = 1.
Definition geom.h:1100
T dot(const vec4 &o) const
Returns the scalar product with another vec4.
Definition geom.h:1089
uint * mask()
Returns a raw unsigned int pointer to the data in this vec4.
Definition geom.h:1024
T b() const
Returns the z coordinate of this vec4.
Definition geom.h:1003
vec4 & div(T f)
Calculates the elementwise quotient.
Definition geom.h:1320
T r() const
Returns the x coordinate of this vec4.
Definition geom.h:989
vec4 operator-() const
Returns a new vec4 object equal to the arithmetic inverse of this
Definition geom.h:1565
vec4 & add(const vec4 &o)
Calculates the elementwise sum.
Definition geom.h:1366
void flip()
Flips a vec4<uchar> by using the mask type pun.
Definition geom.h:1179
vec4 & normalize()
Scales the vector to have a magnitude of 1.
Definition geom.h:1139
vec4 & sub(const vec4 &o)
Subtracts from this the vec4 passed.
Definition geom.h:1427
T & a()
References the w coordinate of this vec4.
Definition geom.h:982
vec4 & recip()
Calculates the elementwise reciprocal.
Definition geom.h:1354
T a() const
Returns the w coordinate of this vec4.
Definition geom.h:1010
T g() const
Returns the y coordinate of this vec4.
Definition geom.h:996
vec4 & rotate_around_z(T angle)
Conducts a rotation around the z-axis.
Definition geom.h:1735
vec4 & div3(T f)
Calculates the elementwise quotient.
Definition geom.h:1308
vec4 & sub3(T f)
Subtracts from the first three entries this the value passed.
Definition geom.h:1451
T squaredlen() const
Returns the square of the magnitude of the vector.
Definition geom.h:1110
T & r()
References the x coordinate of this vec4.
Definition geom.h:961
vec4 & rotate_around_x(T c, T s)
Rotates the given 3-vector around the x-axis.
Definition geom.h:1698
vec4 & addw(T f)
Adds to the fourth value of the vector (w/a).
Definition geom.h:1415
const T * data() const
Returns a raw pointer to the data of this vec4.
Definition geom.h:1017
Definition geom.h:848
T & operator[](int i)
Returns the i-th dimension of this vec4.
Definition geom.h:895
vec4 & div(const vec &o)
Calculates the elementwise quotient.
Definition geom.h:1344
vec4 operator+(const vec4 &v2) const
Returns a new vec4 object equal to the sum of the passed object and this
Definition geom.h:1543
vec4 & mul(T f)
Calculates the elementwise product.
Definition geom.h:1259
vec tonormal() const
Returns a new vec containing values normalized to 0...255 (e.g. colors).
Definition geom.h:1822
vec4 & sub(T f)
Subtracts from the entries this the value passed.
Definition geom.h:1469
vec4 & rotate_around_z(const vec2 &sc)
Conducts a rotation around the z-axis.
Definition geom.h:1780
vec4 operator/(const U &n) const
Returns a new vec4 object equal to the scalar division by a value.
Definition geom.h:1605
vec4 & sub(const vec &o)
Subtracts from this the vec passed.
Definition geom.h:1439
vec4 & mul3(T f)
Calculates the elementwise product.
Definition geom.h:1247
vec4 & madd(const vec4 &a, const B &b)
Sets this vec4 to the result of the multiply add of this with a,b
Definition geom.h:1222
vec4 operator/(const vec4 &v2) const
Returns a new vec4 equal to the elementwise division of this and the passed vec4.
Definition geom.h:1618
vec4 & rotate_around_y(const vec2 &sc)
Conducts a rotation around the y-axis.
Definition geom.h:1810
vec4 & add(const vec &o)
Calculates the elementwise sum.
Definition geom.h:1379
T & b()
References the z coordinate of this vec4.
Definition geom.h:975
vec4 & mul(const vec &o)
Calculates the elementwise product.
Definition geom.h:1285
T magnitude3() const
Returns the magnitude of the vector, ignoring the w dimension.
Definition geom.h:1130
T dot3(const vec4 &o) const
Returns the 3 dimensional dot product between two 4-vecs.
Definition geom.h:1065
vec4 & div(const vec4 &o)
Calculates the elementwise quotient.
Definition geom.h:1332
vec4 & cross(const A &a, const B &b)
Sets this vec to the cross product of two passed objects.
Definition geom.h:1637
vec4 & cross(const vec &o, const vec &a, const vec &b)
Sets this vec4 to the cross product of a,b relative to an offset c.
Definition geom.h:1654
vec4 & rotate_around_x(const vec2 &sc)
Conducts a rotation around the x-axis.
Definition geom.h:1795
vec4 & rotate_around_y(T c, T s)
Rotates the given 3-vector around the y-axis.
Definition geom.h:1716
vec4 & subw(T f)
Subtracts from the last element only.
Definition geom.h:1486
vec4 operator*(const U &n) const
Returns a new vec4 object equal to the scalar multiplication by a value.
Definition geom.h:1579
vec4 operator*(const vec4 &v2) const
Returns a new vec4 equal to the elementwise product of this and the passed vec4.
Definition geom.h:1591
vec4 & rotate_around_z(T c, T s)
Rotates the given 3-vector around the z-axis.
Definition geom.h:1680
vec4 & msub(const vec4 &a, const B &b)
Sets this vec4 to the result of the multiply subtract of this with a,b
Definition geom.h:1235
T operator[](int i) const
Returns the i-th dimension of this vec4.
Definition geom.h:932
vec4 & square()
Calculates the elementwise square.
Definition geom.h:1295
vec4 & add(T f)
Calculates the elementwise sum.
Definition geom.h:1403
vec4 operator-(const vec4 &v2) const
Returns a new vec4 object equal to this minus the passed object.
Definition geom.h:1555
vec4 & neg3()
Negates the first three elements.
Definition geom.h:1499
bool operator==(const vec4 &o) const
Returns whether two vec objects exactly match.
Definition geom.h:1040
T magnitude() const
Returns the magnitude of the vector.
Definition geom.h:1120
void setxyz(const vec &v)
Replaces the first three values of this with the passed vec.
Definition geom.h:1664
vec4 & neg()
Negates all of the elements.
Definition geom.h:1512
vec4 & mul(const vec4 &o)
Calculates the elementwise product.
Definition geom.h:1272
vec4 & rotate_around_y(T angle)
Conducts a rotation around the y-axis.
Definition geom.h:1765
vec4 & add3(T f)
Calculates the elementwise sum.
Definition geom.h:1391
vec4 & avg(const vec4 &b)
Calculates the elementwise arithmetic mean.
Definition geom.h:1209
T & g()
References the y coordinate of this vec4.
Definition geom.h:968
vec4 & rotate_around_x(T angle)
Conducts a rotation around the x-axis.
Definition geom.h:1750
three dimensional Cartesian vector object
Definition geom.h:207
float squaredlen() const
Returns the square of this vec's magnitude.
Definition geom.h:337
vec & square()
Sets this vec to its elementwise square.
Definition geom.h:346
vec & lerp(const vec &a, const vec &b, float t)
Linearly interpolates between two other vecs according to scale t.
Definition geom.h:476
vec & lerp(const vec &b, float t)
Linearly interpolates between another vec2 according to scale t.
Definition geom.h:458
bool insidebb(const ivec &o, int size) const
Determines whether this vec is within the boundaries {o, o+size}.
bool reject(const vec &o, float r) const
Checks whether the x,y dimensions are outside a distance from a vec.
Definition geom.h:409
float scalartriple(const vec &a, const vec &b) const
scalar triple product A*(BxC)
Definition geom.h:422
bool iszero() const
Returns whether this vec is exactly zero in all axes.
Definition geom.h:326
bool insidebb(const ivec &o, int size, int margin) const
Determines whether this vec is within the boundaries {o-margin, o+size+margin}.
vec & avg(const vec &b)
Sets this vec to the arithmetic mean of itself and another vec.
Definition geom.h:491
float zscalartriple(const vec &a, const vec &b) const
z component only of scalar triple product (A*(BxC))
Definition geom.h:427
float project_bb(const ivec &min, const ivec &max) const
Returns the dot product of this and min/max, depending on sign.