LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libprimis-headers - slot.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Libprimis Test Coverage Lines: 100.0 % 71 71
Test Date: 2025-02-21 06:59:27 Functions: 94.4 % 18 17

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /**
       2              :  * @file slot.h
       3              :  * @brief Texture slot objects
       4              :  *
       5              :  * The texture slot objects expose the data structures used to organize geometry
       6              :  * texture information and encode it in a level. A vector containing a series of
       7              :  * slot objects is associated with every cube object, allowing every cube face
       8              :  * to reference a slot "palette" containing many texture + shader combinations
       9              :  * without requiring much data stored on the client.
      10              :  *
      11              :  * Furthermore, a `VSlot` object is defined, which defines a virtual texture slot.
      12              :  * These are derived from a "real" texture slot, and can have one or more shader
      13              :  * modifiers applied to it: color, scale, rotation etc.
      14              :  */
      15              : 
      16              : #ifndef SLOT_H_
      17              : #define SLOT_H_
      18              : 
      19              : /**
      20              :  * @brief Bitmask variables for a VSlot.changed field.
      21              :  *
      22              :  * These variables determine what about a virtual texture slot has been changed.
      23              :  * Use them by bit shifting by the value of the enum, e.g.
      24              :  * ```
      25              :  * slot.changed = 1 << VSlot_ShParam;
      26              :  * ```
      27              :  */
      28              : enum
      29              : {
      30              :     VSlot_ShParam = 0,
      31              :     VSlot_Scale,
      32              :     VSlot_Rotation,
      33              :     VSlot_Offset,
      34              :     VSlot_Scroll,
      35              :     VSlot_Layer,
      36              :     VSlot_Alpha,
      37              :     VSlot_Color,
      38              :     VSlot_Reserved, // used by RE
      39              :     VSlot_Refract,
      40              :     VSlot_Detail,
      41              :     VSlot_Angle,
      42              :     VSlot_Num
      43              : };
      44              : 
      45              : struct SlotShaderParam
      46              : {
      47              :     enum
      48              :     {
      49              :         REUSE = 1<<0
      50              :     };
      51              : 
      52              :     const char *name;
      53              :     size_t loc;
      54              :     int flags;
      55              :     float val[4];
      56              : };
      57              : 
      58              : struct Texture;
      59              : class Shader;
      60              : struct VSlot; //both slot and vslot depend on each other
      61              : 
      62              : /**
      63              :  * @brief A representation of a texture inside the engine.
      64              :  *
      65              :  * A texture slot represents the texture and shader information for a single
      66              :  * application onto an octree face. This includes a diffuse texture, as well as
      67              :  * other shader-defined textures such as normal, parallax, and specular maps if
      68              :  * they are part of the shader configuration of the slot object.
      69              :  */
      70              : struct Slot
      71              : {
      72              :     enum
      73              :     {
      74              :         SlotType_Octa,
      75              :         SlotType_Material,
      76              :         SlotType_Decal
      77              :     };
      78              : 
      79              :     struct Tex
      80              :     {
      81              :         int type;
      82              :         Texture *t;
      83              :         string name;
      84              :         int combined;
      85              : 
      86            1 :         Tex() : t(nullptr), combined(-1) {}
      87              :     };
      88              : 
      89              :     int index, smooth;
      90              :     std::vector<Tex> sts;
      91              :     Shader *shader;
      92              :     std::vector<SlotShaderParam> params;
      93              :     VSlot *variants;
      94              :     bool loaded;
      95              :     uint texmask;
      96              :     char *grass;
      97              :     Texture *grasstex, *thumbnail;
      98              : 
      99           45 :     Slot(int index = -1) : index(index), variants(nullptr), grass(nullptr) { reset(); }
     100           11 :     virtual ~Slot() {}
     101              : 
     102            1 :     virtual int type() const
     103              :     {
     104            1 :         return SlotType_Octa;
     105              :     }
     106              : 
     107              :     virtual const char *name() const;
     108            1 :     virtual const char *texturedir() const
     109              :     {
     110            1 :         return "media/texture";
     111              :     }
     112              : 
     113              :     virtual VSlot &emptyvslot();
     114              : 
     115              :     virtual int cancombine(int type) const;
     116            3 :     virtual bool shouldpremul(int) const
     117              :     {
     118            3 :         return false;
     119              :     }
     120              : 
     121              :     /**
     122              :      * @brief Attempts to find a tex with index type.
     123              :      *
     124              :      * Searches for a tex with the type passed, searching only for the part of the
     125              :      * sts vector after `last`. If none is found, returns -1.
     126              :      *
     127              :      * @param type the type to seach for
     128              :      * @param last the last index to not look at
     129              :      *
     130              :      * @return the index where the type was found
     131              :      */
     132              :     int findtextype(int type, int last = -1) const;
     133              : 
     134              :     void load(int index, Slot::Tex &t);
     135              :     void load();
     136              : 
     137              :     /**
     138              :      * @brief Returns a new texture that is a thumbnail of the slot's texture.
     139              :      *
     140              :      * Creates a new texture on the heap representing a scaled-down version of
     141              :      * the slot's diffuse map.
     142              :      *
     143              :      * @return a pointer to the generated Texture containing the thumbnail
     144              :      */
     145              :     Texture *loadthumbnail();
     146              : 
     147           46 :     void reset()
     148              :     {
     149           46 :         smooth = -1;
     150           46 :         sts.clear();
     151           46 :         shader = nullptr;
     152           46 :         params.clear();
     153           46 :         loaded = false;
     154           46 :         texmask = 0;
     155           46 :         delete[] grass;
     156           46 :         grass = nullptr;
     157           46 :         grasstex = nullptr;
     158           46 :         thumbnail = nullptr;
     159           46 :     }
     160              : 
     161            2 :     void cleanup()
     162              :     {
     163            2 :         loaded = false;
     164            2 :         grasstex = nullptr;
     165            2 :         thumbnail = nullptr;
     166            3 :         for(uint i = 0; i < sts.size(); i++)
     167              :         {
     168            1 :             Tex &t = sts[i];
     169            1 :             t.t = nullptr;
     170            1 :             t.combined = -1;
     171              :         }
     172            2 :     }
     173              : };
     174              : 
     175              : /**
     176              :  * @brief A virtual texture slot.
     177              :  *
     178              :  * A virtual texture slot ("VSlot") is a derivative of a standard texture slot;
     179              :  * it contains modification information (such as rotation, translation, tinting,
     180              :  * and modifications to other shader settings) but not the fundamental attributes
     181              :  * of a texture.
     182              :  *
     183              :  * Each VSlot must point to a normal slot to have any meaning; it is from this slot
     184              :  * object where the VSlot gets the attributes of its texture files and shader
     185              :  * definition information.
     186              :  */
     187              : struct VSlot
     188              : {
     189              :     Slot *slot;
     190              :     VSlot *next;
     191              :     int index, changed;
     192              :     std::vector<SlotShaderParam> params;
     193              :     bool linked;
     194              :     float scale;
     195              :     int rotation;
     196              :     vec angle;
     197              :     ivec2 offset;
     198              :     vec2 scroll;
     199              :     int layer;
     200              :     float alphafront, alphaback;
     201              :     vec colorscale;
     202              :     vec glowcolor;
     203              :     float refractscale;
     204              :     vec refractcolor;
     205              : 
     206           41 :     VSlot(Slot *slot = nullptr, int index = -1) : slot(slot), next(nullptr), index(index), changed(0)
     207              :     {
     208           41 :         reset();
     209           41 :         if(slot)
     210              :         {
     211           40 :             addvariant(slot);
     212              :         }
     213           41 :     }
     214              : 
     215              :     void addvariant(Slot *slot);
     216              : 
     217           42 :     void reset()
     218              :     {
     219           42 :         params.clear();
     220           42 :         linked = false;
     221           42 :         scale = 1;
     222           42 :         rotation = 0;
     223           42 :         angle = vec(0, sinf(0), cosf(0));
     224           42 :         offset = ivec2(0, 0);
     225           42 :         scroll = vec2(0, 0);
     226           42 :         layer = 0;
     227           42 :         alphafront = 0.5f;
     228           42 :         alphaback = 0;
     229           42 :         colorscale = vec(1, 1, 1);
     230           42 :         glowcolor = vec(1, 1, 1);
     231           42 :         refractscale = 0;
     232           42 :         refractcolor = vec(1, 1, 1);
     233           42 :     }
     234              : 
     235            2 :     void cleanup()
     236              :     {
     237            2 :         linked = false;
     238            2 :     }
     239              : 
     240              :     bool isdynamic() const;
     241              : };
     242              : 
     243              : /**
     244              :  * @param A derivative form of a slot intended for decal objects.
     245              :  */
     246              : struct DecalSlot final : Slot, VSlot
     247              : {
     248              :     float depth, fade;
     249              : 
     250            7 :     DecalSlot(int index = -1) : Slot(index), VSlot(this), depth(1), fade(0.5f) {}
     251              : 
     252            1 :     int type() const override final
     253              :     {
     254            1 :         return SlotType_Decal;
     255              :     }
     256              : 
     257              :     const char *name() const override final;
     258            1 :     const char *texturedir() const override final
     259              :     {
     260            1 :         return "media/decal";
     261              :     }
     262              : 
     263            1 :     VSlot &emptyvslot() override final
     264              :     {
     265            1 :         return *this;
     266              :     }
     267              : 
     268              :     int cancombine(int type) const override final;
     269              :     bool shouldpremul(int type) const override final;
     270              : 
     271            1 :     void reset()
     272              :     {
     273            1 :         Slot::reset();
     274            1 :         VSlot::reset();
     275            1 :         depth = 1;
     276            1 :         fade = 0.5f;
     277            1 :     }
     278              : 
     279            1 :     void cleanup()
     280              :     {
     281            1 :         Slot::cleanup();
     282            1 :         VSlot::cleanup();
     283            1 :     }
     284              : };
     285              : 
     286              : extern std::vector<Slot *> slots;
     287              : extern std::vector<VSlot *> vslots;
     288              : extern std::vector<int *> editingvslots;
     289              : 
     290              : extern const char *getshaderparamname(const char *name, bool insert = true);
     291              : extern void setldrnotexture();
     292              : 
     293              : extern VSlot *findvslot(const Slot &slot, const VSlot &src, const VSlot &delta);
     294              : extern VSlot *editvslot(const VSlot &src, const VSlot &delta);
     295              : extern Slot &lookupslot(int slot, bool load = true);
     296              : extern VSlot &lookupvslot(int slot, bool load = true);
     297              : extern bool unpackvslot(ucharbuf &buf, VSlot &dst, bool delta);
     298              : extern DecalSlot &lookupdecalslot(int slot, bool load = true);
     299              : 
     300              : #endif /* SLOT_H_ */

Generated by: LCOV version 2.0-1