Imprimis' 3D destroyable world engine
This is the complete list of members for cubeworld, including all inherited members.
allchanged(bool load=false) (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld | |
bboccluded(const ivec &bo, const ivec &br) const (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld | |
calclight() | cubeworld | |
calcnormals(bool lerptjoints) (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld | |
changed(const ivec &bbmin, const ivec &bbmax, bool commit=true) (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld | |
changed(const block3 &sel, bool commit=true) (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld | |
cleanupva() | cubeworld | |
clearmapcrc() | cubeworld | |
commitchanges(bool force=false) (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld | |
compactvslots(bool cull=false) | cubeworld | |
emptymap(int factor, bool force, bool usecfg=true) | cubeworld | |
enlargemap() | cubeworld | |
entitiesinoctanodes() (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld | |
findtjoints() (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld | |
genprefabmesh(prefab &p) (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld | |
getclipbounds(const cube &c, const ivec &o, int size, int offset) (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld | |
getmapcrc() const | cubeworld | |
load_world(const char *mname, const char *gameident, const char *gameinfo=nullptr, const char *cname=nullptr) | cubeworld | |
lookupcube(const ivec &to, int tsize=0, ivec &ro=lu, int &rsize=lusize) | cubeworld | |
lookupmaterial(const vec &v) | cubeworld | |
mapscale() const | cubeworld | |
mapsize() const | cubeworld | |
modifyoctaent(int flags, int id, extentity &e) (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld | |
neighborcube(int orient, const ivec &co, int size, ivec &ro, int &rsize) (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld | |
raycube(const vec &o, const vec &ray, float radius=0, int mode=3, int size=0, const extentity *t=0) const | cubeworld | |
remip() | cubeworld | |
save_world(const char *mname, const char *gameident) | cubeworld | |
shadowray(const vec &o, const vec &ray, float radius, int mode, const extentity *t=nullptr) (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld | |
shrinkmap() | cubeworld | |
updateparticles() (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld | |
worldroot (defined in cubeworld) | cubeworld |